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rape crisis info
24hr Rape Crisis Helpline
1800 778888
Athlone Midlands Rape Crisis Centre
1800 306 600
Cork Sexual Violence Centre
1800 496 496
Dublin Rape Crisis Centre
1800 778888
Donegal Rape Crisis Centre
1800 448 844
Rape Crisis North East
1800 212 122
Galway Rape Crisis Centre
1800 355 355
Kerry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre
1800 633 333
Kilkenny Rape Crisis Centre
1800 478 478
South Leinster Rape Crisis Centre
1800 727 737
Rape Crisis Midwest
1800 311 511
Mayo Rape Crisis Centre
1800 234 900
Sligo Rape Crisis Centre
1800 750 780
Tipperary Rape Crisis Centre
1800 340 340
Tullamore Rape Crisis Centre
1800 323 232
Waterford Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre
1800 296 296
Wexford Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre
1800 330 033
Sexual assault
treatment unit
There are six Sexual Assault Treatment Units (SATUs) in Ireland. They provide specialist care for people aged fourteen years and over who have recently been sexually assaulted or raped.
Services include the provision of treatment such as emergency contraception and medication to reduce the possibility of developing sexually transmitted infection. The SATU services respond to requests from the Gardaí for the collection of forensic evidence to aid the legal process. However, if you are 18 and over you do not have to report to the Gardaí - SATU will still help and support you. There is no charge for any of the SATU services or follow up appointments. SATU services can be contacted at any time via An Garda Síochána, or by contacting the individual SATU.
For more info visit:
South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital.
Phone: 021 492 6297 weekdays, 8am to 4.30pm.
Phone: 021 492 6100 weekends and after 4.30pm, ask for SATU.
Donegal SATU
Justice Walsh Road, Letterkenny.
Phone: 087 06 81 964 at any time.
Dublin SATU
Rotunda Hospital Campus.
Phone: 01 817 1736 weekdays, 8am to 5pm.
Phone: 01 817 1700 after 5pm and weekends, ask for SATU.
Galway SATU
Phone: 091 76 57 51 or 087 63 38 118 weekdays 8am to 4pm.
Phone: 091 75 76 31 or 091 524222 after 4pm and weekends, ask for SATU.
Mullingar SATU
Midland Regional Hospital.
Phone: 044 939 4239 or 086 04 09 952 weekdays 8am to 5pm.
Phone: 044 934 0221 after 5pm and weekends, ask for SATU.
Waterford SATU
University Hospital Waterford.
Phone: 051 842 157 weekdays 8am to 5pm.
Phone: 051 848 000 after 5pm and weekends, ask for SATU.
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